Hey guys... I fear I wasn't completely honest with you in the last post... I remembered about the story, but kind of gave up on it due to a horrible onset of WRITER'S BLOCK... Anyways, I just wanted to put up a new post to say some stuff, and let people know that I'm not dead. Here we go!
First, HAPPY SUMMER! If you're still in school at all (elementary school, middle school, high school, college, etc.) you know how AMAZING it feels to be done for now.
Second, I wanted to let you know about this AMAZING new series that I'm reading. It's another trilogy, like the Hunger Games (which I'm still IN LOVE with - don't get me wrong). It's called the Divergent series, by Veronica Roth. It's also like Hunger Games in the fact that it's also about a Utopian society. Man, these authors must know each other or something, with the trending of trilogies and Utopian stuff these days... No! My mind is wandering again! Back to the point! These books follow Beatrice Prior, a girl who lives in a world that is split into factions. Each one has a different belief in why the world broke apart in the first place. Abnegation believe that selfishness is to blame, Candor believe that is was lies that did our society in, Dauntless believe that cowardice was the problem, Amity believes that conflict caused it all, and Erudite believe that ignorance is what did it. Each faction teaches its people the traits that prevent such problems from happening again (Abnegation- selflessness, Candor- honesty, Dauntless- bravery, Amity- peace, and Erudite- knowledge). When you're 16 years old, like Beatrice, you choose which faction you're going to enter. Let's put the rest this way... the phrase the author put on the cover is: "One choice can transform you" *WARNING* The third book isn't out yet!
Sorry about all that blabbing about the book, but I fear that this is my new Harry Potter, or my new Hunger Games... in other words, my new obsession. Those of you who know me will know EXACTLY what I mean...
Thirdly, I wanted to say that the story about the image I showed you might possibly come out, maybe, but... I don't know. I can't confine myself to writing one thing and sticking there until I finish. If I do, I end up being all stressed out AND the story turns out bad. Talk about a lose-lose situation, huh?
Well, I don't want to bore you people any more, but there's one last thing I have to say... I'm shouting out to my mom, whose birthday is today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!
Okay, that's all for now!
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