Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hey readers! In this post I'm going to talk about (as the title suggests) metamorphosis... Has something ever happened to you on the outside that transforms you on the inside? I know for sure that it's happened to me. As a rather recent school ID would reveal, I have transformed a lot in the space of a year. Just so you know, I wouldn't bring this up if it weren't for another recent change to my appearance that changes a lot. At the beginning of the year I had braces, glasses, and a long, wild mane of hair. On top of that, I looked like an alien for the fact that my eyebrows and eyelashes were so blonde that they seemed nonexistent. Now? Now I have no braces, no glasses, short hair that I'm able to control better, and makeup reveals that I am in fact a human with eyelashes and eyebrows.

As I mentioned before, there are some changes that transform you inside and out. The one I just explained... that was definitely one of them. The only reason I'm really mentioning all this is that I finally figured out what that internal change is... It means you're finding yourself, your confidence, and getting a little further on that road to figuring yourself out.

In this post I'm encouraging you all not to give up finding that change, since I know there will be so many more to come in our lives... It was also a way to reveal to my readers that I got my braces off... *smirk*

Anyway, I guess that's it for now! I'll be away from the July 9th to July 13th, and I doubt I'll be writing on the day I get back. I mean, who wouldn't be tired after a week of camp?

Bye for now!

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