Friday, May 9, 2014

Worst Blogger Ever Reporting on Life's Storms

Okay, it's official. I'm the worst blogger ever. I leave this website alone for months on end to keep up with schoolwork and extracurricular activities... But I think I'm ready to start again. I mean, summer's coming up. There's supposed to be a lot of extra time in summer, right?

Part of the reason I have this blog is to keep in touch with people when busy schedules keep us apart. That's been happening a lot lately, so I haven't had a chance to mention a lot of really crummy stuff that's going on with me and my family right now... Basically, whatever negative god or power you believe in (like I believe in Satan) has been tossing difficulties at my family left and right. Here are some of the big things.

(1) My grandma, who's been babysitting me on and off since I was ten weeks old, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank goodness for us, it was only Stage 1. They took out the tumor in her breast, and we thought everything was going to be fine. When they biopsied the tumor, though, and identified the type of cancer, they found it was a type that metastasizes all over the body if it's not killed at the source. They tried tracing it to the source, but they couldn't, so... My grandma, a seventy-year-old overweight woman with heart problems and lung problems, was put into chemotherapy. So far, the road hasn't been as bumpy as expected. However bumps we HAVE run into have been pretty big. This leads me to my next big event...

(2) One of the biggest holidays the springtime is Easter, as I really hope you know... I mean, wouldn't you literally have to live under a rock not to know that? If that's the case, how are you even reading this blog?! Sorry, I'm getting off topic... For those of you who don't know, I'm a Christian. I have been since I was a little kid. On Easter, I was baptized along with two other people. It was a great service, everyone got all emotional, there was a big potluck afterwards... After the whole church thing ended, my family and I went home to cook this massive dinner and welcome some other family over. That all went pretty well, too. We made a big ham, and dinner rolls, potato salad, corn, mashed potatoes... it was a carb-fest! Everything was going well... until my grandma complained of a chill. At first, we didn't think anything of it. The door to the backyard was open, and we live in a coastal town. I was kind of cold myself, so of course she would've been. After she finished eating, she went into her room, covered up with a blanket, and turned on her space heater. An hour and a half passed, and she still wasn't feeling better, so she took her temperature... There, dear readers, was the problem. She was at one hundred and three degrees; a major red flag for a cancer patient. My grandpa took her to the hospital, and we finally found out what was up... She had pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and her heart was failing with the stress of it all. So, in short: I got baptized (happy!), some family came over (annoying, but still happy), and my grandma got as close as she's ever been to death (wait, WTF?!). What a roller coaster day, huh?

(3) I was in a play! Has anyone heard of "Little Shop of Horrors"? Well, if you haven't, and you're into slightly bizarre things (which you probably are if you're reading this), then you should go check it out. I wasn't a main character or anything; I was in the dance ensemble. We basically danced to a few of the bigger numbers to give them that extra little something that makes a show look good. It was fun and all, but... I think I'm done going to rehearsals until six at night every day. I don't know about you, but I actually do my homework, which requires a little thing called TIME. While I loved Little Shop and nearly everyone in it, I'm glad my schedule is freed up enough that I'm free to study for finals. It might be nice to pass the grade I'm in...

(4) My step-dad is an ex-drinker... Well, he was. Apparently he started drinking months ago behind my the family's backs. I have no idea when he started back up, and I have no idea what reason he could possibly have had for starting again, but he did... Eventually he came clean. My mom got enough evidence that he really didn't have much of a choice. He said he'd start going to AA meetings, and trying to get better, etc., but apparently God or Satan wouldn't just leave it at that. No more than a week later, he lost his job. As if he needed another reason to drink again... He's been unemployed for about two weeks now, and I'm honestly not sure he's started looking for work again. It's nice that he's there to take care of my grandma and all, but it'd be nice to be able to pay our bills... Apparently this wasn't enough, either. We just found out that he's got a gigantic cyst inside of his upper gum just under his nose that needs oral surgery. Not only will that put us out a couple hundred dollars, but it'll stop him from getting back into the job search. He's a construction worker, so it's not like he can sit in front of a computer and a bunch of papers at home... I admit, I'm mad at him for starting to drink behind my family's backs, but I don't think he deserved to lose his job and require oral surgery all at once... I wouldn't wish that on anybody, especially given how terrified I am of the dentist (which I'm INSANELY afraid of, by the way...)

So I think that's it. Any comments, questions, and concerns are welcome and will be answered as soon as I can get to them. Thanks for reading!


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