Hey guys! evygirl01 here! I'm currently sitting at my mother's computer, trying to focus on a history report on the French Revolution. By the title of this piece I'm pretty sure you've figured out how that's going. I've been working on this thing for SO LONG and it feels like it simply refuses to be finished... Have you ever had one of those assignments? Either way, right now I feel like if I have to type one more word about Maximilien de Robespierre... Well, let's just say that bad things will happen and leave it at that.
Anyway, this post isn't completely pointless. I mean, there's been something pretty big going on at my school regarding drugs and alcohol... There have been three people who came to my history class drunk in the last month. Then, there was a girl in my dance class who got caught selling either ecstasy pills or weed out of her locker (I forgot which) and has been suspended until the middle of November (she got caught around the end of September/beginning of October)... Now, I know there are people who have it WAY worse than I do in this area, but this kind of a big deal to me. I mean, I've been pretty sheltered my entire life and suddenly I know who to go to if I ever want to get some good drugs cheap, or who to talk to if I ever want advice on how to sneak some vodka into a water bottle and bring it to school. The thought is kind of terrifying to me...
By the way, I've only gotten two votes on my most recent poll. If you want a story out of me, I want at least twice as many votes as I've got now (which isn't that hard considering that would only be two more...). I'm getting a few ideas, but I'm not going to say what they are, so you can vote without any influences. The sooner you vote, the sooner I can write something that's actually worth reading!
Something that most readers probably don't know about me is that I'm really interested in going into the medical field when I'm older (I'm in high school now). I'm really into knowing how the body works, what can go wrong with it, etc. As a result of this interest, I watch shows that cover medical cases and such. One of my favorites is called "Untold Stories of the E.R." and is shown on Discovery Fit & Health. During the episode that was played from 8-9pm, there was a woman who came into the E.R. crying so hard she was doubled over. She kept repeating the phrase "Let me die, I just want to die!" over and over again, and claimed she was suffering of a broken heart. Apparently, her father had died two weeks prior. For the time being, they ran some routine tests on her, plus a few for her heart (just in case), and sent her to the Psych Ward to avoid disturbing other patients. Her EKG came back, and they saw that she had an irregular rhythm (her heart was giving extra beats), and decided to do an ultrasound on her heart. They hadn't originally thought anything was wrong with her, considering that she had no history of heart disease, unexplained deaths, etc. They saw her heart on the ultrasound, and... I didn't understand part of it, but there was a part of the heart that was enlarged, and it was causing trouble, and apparently it was something called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which is commonly known as "Broken Heart Symdrome," which is supposedly caused by stress. So, don't let anyone tell you that it's not possible to die of a broken heart. Although very rare, takotsubo cardiomyopathy can possibly cause death.
So... that's all I've got for today! See you soon!
Sincerely, evygirl01
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