Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Curse of Mom's Cellphone...

Hey guys!

First, I want to apologize about forgetting about this blog over and over and over... I'm just not very good with these types of things (meaning anything in which I have to remember to do something without someone reminding me)... Now, let's get to the part that says what this post is actually about!

I just got my wisdom teeth out! Far from good, I know, but I got some kind of funny stories out of it! (Not to mention the chipmunk cheeks!)

All surgery plans begin with a consultation, right? Well, the same thing happened with me. Nothing really spectacular happened. They took my height, weight, x-rayed my mouth, blah, blah blah... So, we get to the part about how we're actually going to get me though the surgery. The doctor presents me with two options: (1) get knocked out, or (2) stay awake, take a sedative, and be put on laughing gas. For some reason that STILL escapes me, I decided to stay awake. Once I decide that, the surgeon tells me I'm going to get three pills. I'm supposed to take two an hour and a half before the surgery, and if they don't make me "loopy-doopy" (surgeon's words, not mine) within a half hour, take the last one. Later, I learn the pills were Lorazepam tablets... Those of you who know what those are will probably be resisting the urge to laugh right now...

Now we come to the day of the surgery. Something you should know about me is that I'm TERRIFIED of the dentist. Because I was so nervous (at least, I'm PRETTY sure this is what happened...), the first two pills took just over a half an hour to work. At the half hour mark, I'd gone ahead and taken the third one. So... I got really loopy, and giggly, and probably hilarious to talk to, really fast. What does my mom do? Goes on Facebook once I'm in surgery and tells everyone in her friends that I'm all giggly and stuff when I'm drugged. ..

You know how after getting novocaine shots, you're all puffy-cheeked? Also, you know how you tend to get swollen after you get surgery? Well, if you add together the novocaine swelling, surgery swelling, and gauze-packed cheeks and you apply them to ME, you get a teenage girl who is so swollen and numb that she can't even close her mouth. Then, factor in the dull, unfocused look you get in your eyes when you're on laughing gas. Finally, add in my beloved mother with her phone (camera, wireless capabilities, and Facebook app)...


Me: "Mom, did you put those pictures of me on Facebook?"

Mom: "Well, they're on Facebook, but you're not tagged."

Me: "Well, I guess that's okay..."

*flash forward to the next day*

Facebook: "Mom's name added two photos... You were with in Mom's name  yesterday at 10:37AM." (Beneath are the photos of me, looking like a chipmunk...)


Mom: "I didn't!"

Me: "Yes, you did! It says '-with my name' on it!"

Mom: "That tags people?"

Me: *facepalm* "Yes..."

***THE END***

Well, looking at this, it doesn't look like my writing is up to its normal standards... Sorry about that... I'm on pain meds right now, which literally tell you that they're going to make you think slower while you're on them... Not to mention, my mother has been taking one picture a day (the surgery was on Thursday) since the surgery and posting them on Facebook... and I still have chipmunk cheeks... Fun for me, right?

I guess this is all worth it if SOMEONE out there is laughing... Anyway, I'm going to go drink my dinner now!


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